Blog #13

When I think of California, I think of the kind of America that I’m proud to be a part of. I think of advocacy, fairness, and I think of protest. Everyday, I’m reminded that my voice matters, that I do have a say, and that anybody can make a change. California reminds me of equality and that’s one of the things I love about it. Lately, when I think of democracy, I think of President Trump and his new policies. California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, challenged Trumps declaration of national emergency at the Mexico border. According to The Sacramento Bee, Newsom stated that all of the suits he’s filed against the federal government, Trump, “are meant to protect policies that California voters support”. California fought Trump for DACA and won it back, California lost its fight against Tumps wall but they are currently filing appeals and California isn’t going down without a fight. California is also currently fighting Trump and Texas on keeping Obama Care. California’s legislature, state governments, and local governments, are all fighting other states and the federal government (Trump), to ensure that the values and interests of California voters are being preserved, protected, heard, and advocated for.


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