Blog #11

The topic I’ve chosen for this journal entry is patronage. Patronage is “The informal power of a governor (or other officeholder) to make appointments on the basis of party membership and to dispense contracts or other favors to political supporters” (159). The way I understand it, patronage is basically when someone puts the people they want, people who have the same political beliefs as them, and put them in positions of political power. This can be extremely dangerous considering the fact that this isn’t a government that’s representative of the people. Take Trump for example, he appointed people he wanted to into positions of power and authority but they have no idea how to do their jobs. This is dangerous for America and defeats the purpose of democracy. If qualifications or the will of the people can be swept aside and people like the governor or Trump can just appoint who they want, where they want, thats not a democracy that represents the diverse people that they’re meant to serve. 


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